Early Years Learning Consultancy Service

20 Years’ Experience in Early Learning

My name is Sarah Holley. I have over 20 years experience in the early years sector. I have managed nurseries, big and small and have worked in quality assessment roles. I am passionate about the importance of early education to young people’s life chances. I am delighted to be working with Purple Dove recruitment on a number of exciting projects.

Ofsted Registered Provision

In 2019 there were changes to the Early Years inspection handbook for Ofsted registered provision. The aim has been to put the curriculum back at the centre of all provision. There is now an expectation that providers will build a curriculum that is ambitious, long term and sequenced in ways that means learning is deeply embedded. In other words, to clearly identify the skills and knowledge that children need to acquire. Then to ensure that children remember long term what they have been taught.

Early Learning Provider Research

Discussions with providers has shown me that there are misconceptions about the meaning of the term ‘curriculum’. These discussions have also shown me that nearly always with some support and opportunities for open, frank and professional discussions providers have all the skills and know how to build strong and exciting curriculums that really help children develop a lifelong love of learning.

Purple Dove Consultancy Service

With this in mind I can offer a consultancy service with the clear aim of helping you to build a curriculum that really meets the needs of the children you cater for.
Who can benefit:

  • Existing providers and managers of early years settings who are looking to further develop their nurseries.
  • Providers entering the early years sector who want to ensure high quality care and education for children.
  • Providers and managers who are looking for professional support in preparation for, or following, an Ofsted inspection.

Benefits of our Service:

Professional consultancy delivered with a good dollop of good humour. Aim to really help you get under the skin of the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and related guidance.

Competitive and fair fees. No hidden extras. For example, no additional travel costs.

Flexible timing to suit your business needs. For example, very happy to accommodate week end or evening training sessions.

The personal touch. This is not training that is a ‘one size fits all’ for everyone. I will take the time to find out about you and your nursery to ensure you can get the most out of your day with me.

The Consultancy Package

  • Agenda setting.
  • 1 Day face-to-face consultancy
  • Review and evaluation

The one-day consultancy is typically 6 hours and delivered at senior management level. This would be ‘book ended’ with zoom/ Teams meetings to set the agenda and review and evaluate the day. These would usually be scheduled for a week before and a week after.
The exact content of the day can be tweaked to meet your particular needs.

I very much look forward to hearing from you.

If you are curious about what we can offer or simply want to ask a few more questions before you commit then please do pick up the phone or drop us a line. There will be no pushy sales pitch and no obligation. I am happy to answer your questions and leave you to decide if you think you would enjoy working with me.

Sarah Holley
Early Years Learning Consultant

Contact Purple Dove Today

To get the ball rolling, email or call the team for a friendly obligation free chat.
e: info@purpledove.co.uk
t: 0203 633 4014 or 07884 288361

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